No special effects, wires, or green screens were used to produce the floating laptops and flight attendants in OK Go’s latest music video, “Inside Out, Upside Down.”
Instead, the band used…. PHYSICS!
Meteorites streak through the sky, dropping a mysterious dust. Adults fall unconscious worldwide. To rescue them, kids must gather dirt from Mars. Who says learning science and engineering can’t be fun? Not NASA engineers! They’ve teamed up with engineering students and gamers to create Falling Dust, a free, alternative-reality game that lets multiple players apply real-world skills to save humanity.
If a tree falls in the forest… the National Park Service may have recorded it, along with howling wolves, thunder crackling, and other natural sounds. That includes man-made noise like chainsaws and cannon fire at Ft. McHenry!
Remember how bluebirds helped Snow White tidy up an abandoned cottage in the Disney classic? Meet Spider Drone, a quadcopter that weaves structures out of steel cables and can operate at heights unreachable by ordinary building equipment.