StarHouse Discovery Center: Jr Science & Astronomy
Our mission is to promote and provide hands-on science, astronomy, and technology experiences to children, parents, teachers, and administrators. Junior Science and Astronomy will continue using the model used by Junior Engineering in providing day long science and astronomy activities for students in the elementary schools and providing continuing education programs for teachers at that level. Each year we hope to continue to reach: 100,000 children and 750 teachers in 200 elementary schools.
Location: Logan, UT, Jr Science & Astronomy will be able to travel throughout the Intermountain West
Date: On-Going.
Time: TBD
Age Group: K-6, students, parents, teachers, & administrators.
Contact Information: Laura Swift Lind 801-971-0587
Neil Dabb
Arno Copely
Filed under: Grades K-5, K-12 Outreach Programs